Gene Martorony


Tania Fuentes

Vice Chairperson

Steven Farrales


Natalia Gomez


Dasary Hernandez


Rafael Martell


Douglas Velasquez


The WNYHA has been recognized for its strong and experienced leadership by its current Chairman and its supportive Board of Commissioners that is focused on policy development.

The WNYHA operates under a seven-member board of commissioners (“Board”). Appointments to the board are made pursuant to the New Jersey State Municipalities and Counties Redevelopment and Housing Law Sec. 40A:12A-17(a). The governor appoints one member through the commissioner for the State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. The Mayor and Board of commissioners appoint remaining members. One member is a resident of WNYHA housing, as mandated under the federal Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 (QHWRA). At present, all seven Board positions are filled. Pursuant to New Jersey law, members serve five-year staggered terms.

Board meetings are held on the third Monday of every month, barring any holiday conflicts. The Board will review and provide corrective actions to day to day operations, make policy decisions, and direct the executive director to implement policy decisions. The board provides input and approves long-term goals. It approves the budget, sets financial policy and reviews and accepts audit reports. The Board also interacts with local, state, and federal officials.

The Board has been supportive in the development of alternative revenue streams for the Authority through urban revitalization efforts. These projects include the management of a neighboring PHA for a management fee, the creation of a 501(c)(3) organization designed to increase affordable housing in the community.

The Board has demonstrated foresight and the desire to improve upon the Authority’s efficiency by approving outsourced contracts for a number of key operations, including financial planning, operations, strategic planning, and policy development. Outsourcing will continue to be an avenue for the Authority to complete tasks that are beyond the staff’s time availability and expertise. The Authority’s use of expert consultants for specific tasks has proven to be both highly effective and cost efficient.

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